Nuovo libro “Dark Slivers”

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  • #37998

    Hello Nick!! Here’s Riccardo from LN! I still have to reply to your last email…be patient,I won’t forget! 😉 Ciao!

    Dead Soul

    Nick Soulsby – 11/3/2013 18:01 Grazie Kurt74 e anche a tutti gli altri per l’apprezzamento che mi avete dimostrato per il mio lavoro di Dark Silvers. La seconda edizione e’ adesso disponibile mandatemi un messaggio a o se desiderate una copia. Il costo e’ di £ 10 piu’ le spese di spedizione per l’Italia di £ 4.50. Se avete qualche dubbio fatemi sapere e mi scuso se non parlo in italiano ma di solito affido a una mia cara amica per le traduzioni perche’ ci tengo a mandarvi le mie risposte in Italiano. Inoltre voi parlate Inglese 100 volte meglio di come io potrei paralare in Italiano. Sono contento che siete interessati al blog che ora contiene piu’ di 150 pezzi. A presto. Nick

    Hi Nick! Nice to meet you! I’d love to buy your book but has it been translated by chance into Italian, too? For me, that would be better. But I would buy it anyway: don’t worry, my English is enough good 😉

    Nick Soulsby

    And a respectful bow both to you Riccardo (no rush! Never a worry – always nice to hear from you!) and to you Comrade Dead Soul! Hope all is well in Italy tonight – must be nicer than Britain, it’s bloody cold here, typical! 😉

    Really sorry its not in Italian – basically it won’t sell enough for me to be able to afford to get that done. Riccardo and Raffaele can give you a sense of it, plus there are some reviews and other notes (i.e., what’s the cover about? What are the chapters about? What are the chapter titles relating to?) over at the blog.

    Late last week I received the second edition correcting a couple of mistakes Riccardo pointed out plus some spelling errors so it’s ready to go or alternatively I have two of the first edition left as well. Email me anytime if you want me to send a copy, really delighted people would consider reading my thoughts!

    All the best,

    Dead Soul

    Nick Soulsby – 11/3/2013 23:19 And a respectful bow both to you Riccardo (no rush! Never a worry – always nice to hear from you!) and to you Comrade Dead Soul! Hope all is well in Italy tonight – must be nicer than Britain, it’s bloody cold here, typical! 😉 Really sorry its not in Italian – basically it won’t sell enough for me to be able to afford to get that done. Riccardo and Raffaele can give you a sense of it, plus there are some reviews and other notes (i.e., what’s the cover about? What are the chapters about? What are the chapter titles relating to?) over at the blog. Late last week I received the second edition correcting a couple of mistakes Riccardo pointed out plus some spelling errors so it’s ready to go or alternatively I have two of the first edition left as well. Email me anytime if you want me to send a copy, really delighted people would consider reading my thoughts! All the best, Nick

    All the respect from me, too 😉 The weather in my city has been sucking for several days, by now, but luckily it’s not cold 🙂

    I’ll email you as soon as I can: I’m interested in buying your book.

    Be well! Hear you soon!

    Amministratore del forum

    Hi, Nick

    it’s a pleasure for me seen you here.
    So the first edition sold out ? Very Good 🙂

    We will help all people ask information on your book,

    if your book become a best seller, in the future we may collaborate for an italian version ico02

    Nick Soulsby

    Heck, if it ever made it to best seller status I’d be honoured to see it in Italian! Questions, advice, thoughts that I could look at for the blog all totally welcome – love the work you lot have put into Nirvana Italia – you seem to be the only national based Nirvana site that has had the courage to keep working. All credit!

    Dead Soul

    Nick Soulsby – 13/3/2013 00:28 Heck, if it ever made it to best seller status I’d be honoured to see it in Italian! Questions, advice, thoughts that I could look at for the blog all totally welcome – love the work you lot have put into Nirvana Italia – you seem to be the only national based Nirvana site that has had the courage to keep working. All credit!

    I sincerely hope your book will become a best seller. Yeah, Nirvana Italia is the only Italian site dedicated to Nirvana which keeps working, and the credit goes all to the old admins and forum posters (I personally have been here for a short time, actually).


    Nick,a note about the 9,march post on your blog. You wrote : “His writing, likewise, remained a purely manual process. He never, as far as can be told, sent email, used a computer, tapped away on a typewriter even. There’s no written communication from Mr. Cobain that purports to come from a mechanical or electronic source — there’s a mass of handwritten paper, however.”

    This isn’t absolutely true. In fact,if you check the Journals,there’s at least one kind of “article” written with a typewriter (it was about “the guilt”). I believe it’s a piece for the “Nirvagazine” that Kurt planned to write,a fanzine which unfortunately never saw the light of the day (in his last “big” interview he told to David Fricke he can’t make it due to a lack of free time). His idea was to write a fanzine in order to go against the bad press about him. Really a shame he never finished it. Anyway there’s that draft on the Journals book. just to let you know!

    Amministratore del forum

    inside the same book, Journals, is there a drawings of Eddie, the Iron Maiden mascotte, you may see it here

    So I and Kurt love Iron Maiden ico03

    Nick Soulsby

    Hey ya Riccardo – mea culpa! Agreed, Marcus Gray, the artist guy from Scotland pointed it out to me too so, at the very least, we know Kurt Cobain, at some point, had access to a typewriter – I admit to wondering whether at the Sub Pop offices, or at a library, or via a friend…But maybe, just maybe, that is too obsessive of me to wonder… And I think it’s time to whip the Iron Maiden greatest hits out of my work desk drawer and listen to it this afternoon…

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